臨牀透析 Vol.23 No.2(3)

特集名 世界の透析・移植事情
題名 米国における透析中止事情
発刊年月 2007年 02月
著者 栗原 幸江 静岡県立静岡がんセンター緩和医療科・心理療法士
【 要旨 】 長期透析患者や高齢透析患者の抱えるさまざまな合併症とそれに対する不十分な症状緩和の現状,そして透析治療自体が及ぼす重篤な身体的負荷は,患者が透析中止を希望する場合の主原因となっている.米国ではこうした理由による透析中止を「患者の一つの選択肢」として認める一方で,透析中止対象患者の定義や意思決定プロセスに対するガイドラインの整備,透析患者特有の症状コントロール,家族・遺族ケアの充実など,これまでがんやAIDSを中心に知見が重ねられてきた緩和ケアの考え方やノウハウを,慢性腎臓病の患者へと広げていこうという動きがみられている.
Theme Trends of Chronic Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation in the World
Title Current issues on dialysis discontinuation in the U. S.
Author Yukie Kurihara Division of Palliative Medicine, Shizuoka Cancer Center
[ Summary ] There is an increasing number of patients who are on long-term dialysis and / or frail elderly with multiple comorbidities, who suffer from various symptoms as well as the physical burdens of dialysis. Such significant physical distress is recognized as one of the main reasons for those patients choosing to discontinue dialysis. Dialysis discontinuation / withdrawal may be perceived as a “patient's option ” in the U.S. but open communication with the patients / families on this topic is not easy. The palliative care approach has gradually been expanded to include the field of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Newly developed guidelines include CKD specific symptom management skills, communication issues regarding the decision making process for dialysis withdrawal, and bereavement care.