臨牀透析 Vol.23 No.12(3-2)

特集名 合併症を伴った維持透析患者の栄養管理
題名 外科系疾患 (2) 短腸症候群
発刊年月 2007年 11月
著者 中村 利夫 浜松医科大学第2外科
著者 仲山 順子 浜松医科大学栄養科・管理栄養士
著者 倉地 清隆 浜松医科大学第2外科
著者 今野 弘之 浜松医科大学第2外科
【 要旨 】 短腸症候群は,さまざまな疾患により小腸大量切除の結果生じる著しい栄養障害と重度の下痢をきたす疾患である.一般には吸収障害が顕著となるのは小腸の70 %切除または残存小腸150 cm以下と考えられているが,腸管の各部位で機能は異なるため,失われた腸管の部位により吸収障害を受ける栄養素も異なる.同症候群における術後の輸液・栄養管理は臨床経過に沿って綿密に行っていくことが重要であり,術直後期では水分と電解質の喪失量の綿密なチェックが重要であり,回復期では残存小腸の機能が代償期に入り腸管順応を促すことが重要となる.また安定期になっても経口摂取では十分な栄養が摂れない症例では,埋め込み式ポートを用いた在宅静脈栄養管理を考慮する必要もある.
Theme Nutritional Managements for Maintenance Dialysis Patients with Clinical Complications
Title Nutritional management of short bowel syndrome
Author Toshio Nakamura The Second Department of Surgery, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Author Junko Nakayama The Department of Nutrition, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Author Kiyotaka Kurachi The Second Department of Surgery, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Author Hiroyuki Konno The Second Department of Surgery, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Short bowel syndrome (SES) is a food malabsorption condition related to disease or the surgical removal of a large portion of the small intestine. The most common causes of SBS in adults include Crohn's disease, radiation enteritis, mesenteric vascular accidents, trauma, and recurrent intestinal obstruction. Patients undergoing massive small bowel resections frequently experience dehydration or electrolyte imbalances in the early postoperative period. The first priority is to ensure that the patient is adequately resuscitated and hemodynamically stable. The severity of the condition is determined by the amount of bowel removed, the age of the patient, and the length of the remaining small intestine, as well as the condition of the remaining bowel and digestive organs, as well as the presence or absence of the ileocecal valve and colon. Parenteral nutrition provides adequate protein, calories, other macronutrients, and micronutrients until the bowel has had time to adapt. When patients with SBS can not receive adequate enteral nutrition, they often require prolonged total parenteral nutrition. Currently to receive home-delivered total parenteral nutrition, an implanted port is necessary. Patients with SBS require lifetime care. Those on parenteral nutrition require frequent monitoring of serum chemistries ; liver function tests ; and vitamin, mineral, and trace element level assessment.