臨牀透析 Vol.23 No.12(2-4)

特集名 合併症を伴った維持透析患者の栄養管理
題名 内科系慢性疾患 (4) 膵炎・胆嚢炎
発刊年月 2007年 11月
著者 白鳥 敬子 東京女子医科大学消化器内科
著者 立松 栄次 東京女子医科大学栄養部・管理栄養士
【 要旨 】 急性膵炎は軽症から多臓器不全をきたす重症までさまざまで,長期透析によるカルシウム代謝異常が原因のこともある.重症度判定が必須で,重症例は速やかにICU管理可能な高次医療機関へ転送する.十分量の補液と抗酵素薬の持続点滴が早期治療である.栄養は輸液でよいが,長期間の場合は経腸栄養が望ましい,回復期は低脂肪食を開始する.慢性膵炎の病態は膵線維化であるが,代償期では時に再燃し急性膵炎様を呈する.膵機能不全に至る非代償期では,消化不良と膵性糖尿病に対する治療を行う.急性胆嚢炎は胆石 (コレステロール系) が原因のことが多い.通常は保存的治療で軽快するが,胆嚢穿孔などでは緊急手術を要する.回復後の食事は低脂肪食とする.
Theme Nutritional Managements for Maintenance Dialysis Patients with Clinical Complications
Title Nutritional management for pancreatitis and cholecystitis
Author Keiko Shiratori Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital
Author Eiji Tatematsu Division of Nutrition Support, Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital
[ Summary ] Acute pancreatitis is an inflammatory process that presents different degrees of severity ranging, from mild to severe disease associated with multiple organ failure (MOF). Abnormal calcium (Ca) metabolism, due to long term-hemodialysis as well as alcohol intake, may induce acute pancreatitis. Evaluation of severity using scoring system is very important, and severe cases should be treated in the ICU. Protease inhibitors are infused continuously with antibiotics. Nutritional support via the enteral route is recommended rather than the parenteral route, if administration is required for over a week, because of a lower incidence of severe infection, including sepsis and peritoneal abcesses. Low-fat meals are initiated after recovery. Chronic pancreatitis is associated with fibrosis resulting from pancreatic endocrine and exocrine failure. Although acute attacks occur in the early stages, malnutrition due to digestive failure and diabetes may appear in the later stages. The former is treated as a form of acute pancreatitis, and replacement therapy with digestive enzymes and insulin are required for the latter. Acute cholecystitis is primarily caused by gallstones (cholesterol type) in the gallbladder. Most patients recover without surgery, but patients with a perforations of the gallbladder require emergency cholecystectomies. After recovering, low-fat diets are provided.