臨牀透析 Vol.23 No.10(2-2)

特集名 適正透析 -- エビデンスをめぐる課題
題名 適正腹膜透析とエビデンス (2) 透析液と生体適合性:臨床
発刊年月 2007年 09月
著者 田村 雅仁 産業医科大学病院腎センター
著者 椛島 成利 産業医科大学病院腎センター
著者 芹野 良太 産業医科大学病院循環器腎臓内科
著者 柴田 達哉 産業医科大学病院循環器腎臓内科
著者 宮本 哲 産業医科大学病院循環器腎臓内科
著者 尾辻 豊 産業医科大学病院循環器腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 腹膜透析の長期継続は,腹膜線維化や血管新生などの形態的変化を引き起こし,最終的には腹膜劣化による限外濾過不全のため困難となる.この原因として腹膜透析液中に含まれている高濃度のブドウ糖とその分解代謝産物 (GDPs, AGEs),高浸透圧,低pH,乳酸などの非生理的成分による影響が考えられている.腹膜透析液の生体適合性を向上させるため,2室構造の容器をもつ中性液や,ブドウ糖に替わる浸透圧物質としてicodextrinを含む第二世代の透析液が近年市販された.これらの透析液は従来のものよりも生体適合性の点において優れていることが,基礎的臨床的研究より次第に明らかにされてきている.
Theme Issues of Evidence-based Adequate Dialysis Therapy
Title Peritoneal dialysis fluids (PDF) and biocompatibility
Author Masahito Tamura Kidney Center, University of Occupational and Environmental Health University Hospital
Author Narutoshi Kabashima Kidney Center, University of Occupational and Environmental Health University Hospital
Author Ryota Serino Department of Cardiology and Nephrology, University of Occupational and Environmental Health University Hospital
Author Tatsuya Shibata Department of Cardiology and Nephrology, University of Occupational and Environmental Health University Hospital
Author Tetsu Miyamoto Department of Cardiology and Nephrology, University of Occupational and Environmental Health University Hospital
Author Yutaka Otsuji Department of Cardiology and Nephrology, University of Occupational and Environmental Health University Hospital
[ Summary ] Patients treated with peritoneal dialysis are at risk for development of ultrafiltration failure due to morphologic changes in the peritoneum, such as fibrosis and new vessel formation. The bioincompatibility of conventional PDFs has been attributed to the presence of non-physiological components such as high concentrations of glucose and degenerative products such as glucose degradation products (GDPs) as well as advanced glycation end products (AGEs), hyperosmolality, low pH, and lactates. To improve the biocompatibility of PDF, newly formulated second-generation fluids, with neutral pH levels, along with two chamber bags or PDF containing icodextrin as an alternative osmotic agent have been developed. Recent basic and clinical research has elucidated that these new PDFs are superior to conventional PDFs in terms of biocompatibility.