臨牀透析 Vol.23 No.1(2-1)

特集名 透析患者におけるInterventional radiology
題名 [各論]心臓 (急性虚血性症候群) とIVR
発刊年月 2007年 01月
著者 三瀬 直文 三井記念病院腎臓内科
著者 栗田 宜明 三井記念病院腎臓内科
著者 三村 維真理 三井記念病院腎臓内科
著者 崔 啓子 三井記念病院腎臓内科
著者 西 隆博 三井記念病院腎臓内科
著者 伊苅 裕二 東海大学医学部循環器内科
著者 杉本 徳一郎 三井記念病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 透析患者には虚血性心疾患の合併が多く,予後を規定する.診断には,透析中の胸痛,不整脈,透析困難などが契機になることも多い.急性冠症候群の診療時には,まずリスクの層別化を行い,高リスク患者ではinterventional cardiologyを含む早期侵襲的治療を選択する.透析患者の冠動脈病変は,石灰化が強く,多枝病変が多いこと,びまん性に長く硬い病変が多い.とくに石灰化が強い病変にはロータブレータが有用で,手技成功率を改善する.しかし,依然として非透析患者に比べて再狭窄率が高く,出血などの術後合併症も多い.最近登場した薬物溶出性ステントにより,再狭窄率の減少が期待されている.
Theme Interventional Radiology for Dialysis Patients
Title Acute coronary syndrome and interventional cardiology
Author Naobumi Mise Department of Nephrology, Mitsui Memorial Hospital
Author Noriaki Kurita Department of Nephrology, Mitsui Memorial Hospital
Author Imari Mimura Department of Nephrology, Mitsui Memorial Hospital
Author Keiko Sai Department of Nephrology, Mitsui Memorial Hospital
Author Takahiro Nishi Department of Nephrology, Mitsui Memorial Hospital
Author Yuji Ikari Department of Cardiology, Tokai University School of Medicine
Author Tokuichiro Sugimoto Department of Nephrology, Mitsui Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is common in dialysis patients and is important for patients' survival. Chest pain, arrhythmia and blood pressure changes during or after hemodialysis are sometimes signs leading to a diagnosis of IHD. To treat IHD patients, as is indicated in the guidelines of the Japanese Circulation Society, risk evaluation should be performed and early invasive therapy should be considered for high risk cases. Coronary plaque in dialysis patients is characterized by strong calcification. In interventional cardiology for dialysis patients, the revascularization rate is inferior to that for non-dialysis patients and restenosis rates and the number of complications are both higher. Percutaneous transluminal coronary rotational atherectomy improves the revascularization rates for target lesions which have marked calcification. However, restenosis rates remain high with this modality. It is expected that drug eluting stents, which lower the restenosis rate by 70 % in non-dialysis patients, will also become effective in treating dialysis patients.