臨牀透析 Vol.22 No.6(3-7)

特集名 新たな薬物の登場 -- 透析患者への適応
題名 各臓器における新たな薬物 (7) リウマチ・膠原病
発刊年月 2006年 06月
著者 神田 浩子 東京大学医学部アレルギー・リウマチ内科
著者 三村 俊英 埼玉医科大学リウマチ・膠原病科
【 要旨 】 近年,リウマチ・膠原病に対する治療は,抗リウマチ薬,選択的COX-2阻害薬,生物学的製剤,免疫抑制薬の進歩により,変わりつつある.抗リウマチ薬のレフルノミドやTNF阻害薬のエタネルセプトは,薬物動態上,腎機能を問わず投与可能と考えられる.しかし,腎不全患者や血液透析患者におけるそれらの薬剤の安全性・有効性を示した報告はない.また,腎機能に応じて投与すべき薬剤においても,投与量の違いによる安全性の報告が少ない.今後,新規治療薬の有効性を存分に生かすためにも,腎不全や透析患者におけるそれらの薬剤の安全かつ有効な投与法を示す臨床報告の蓄積が必要である.
Theme New Drugs for Dialysis Patients
Title New treatments for rheumatoid arthritis and collagen diseases patients with renal failure
Author Hiroko Kanda Department of Allergy and Rheumatology, University of Tokyo
Author Toshihide Mimura Division of Rheumatology and Applied Immunology, Department of Medicine, Saitama Medical University
[ Summary ] Recently, treatments for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and collagen diseases have progressed greatly. In Japan, several new drugs have been approved for RA. Approved were methotrexate in 1998 and leflunomide and infliximab in 2003. Etanercept and tacrolimus were also approved in 2005. Based on their pharmacokinetics, leflunomide may be administered to RA patients as an antirheumatic drug and etanercept as a tumor necrosis factor, regardless of renal functions. However, there are very few clinical reports showing that these agents are safe, well tolerated and effective in the patients with renal failure. On the other hand, little is known about the safety of other new drugs for patients with renal impairment. More clinical reports on new reagents are necessary to establish their usefulness in patients with renal failure.