臨牀透析 Vol.22 No.5(7)

特集名 透析関連モニタリング技術の最前線
題名 差圧モニタ (連続的動静脈差圧モニタ) の臨床的評価
発刊年月 2006年 05月
著者 田中 健 桜町クリニック時津・臨床工学技士
著者 江嶋 祐介 桜町病院・臨床工学技士
著者 高木 伴幸 桜町病院
著者 橋口 純一郎 桜町クリニック時津
著者 船越 哲 桜町病院
【 要旨 】 血液透析患者の非侵襲的循環動態モニタ法として,連続的動静脈差圧モニタ (差圧モニタ) を評価した.安定している外来患者を対象に,現在汎用されているクリットラインモニタを同時に装着し,これら2種の機器の特性を比較したところ,差圧モニタによる動静脈差圧変化率 (ΔAVPD) と体重変化率・平均血圧変化率には相関を認めず,透析中の患者の循環動態を鋭敏に察知するという目的においては,臨床的有用性は認めなかった.一方,クリットラインモニタによるヘマトクリット変化率 (ΔCLM-Ht) は,体重変化率と相関を認めた.
Theme Current Topics in Monitoring Technologies for Dialysis Therapy
Title Clinical evaluation of continuous monitoring system for arteriovenous-pressure difference
Author Takeshi Tanaka Department of Clinical Engineering, Sakuramachi Clinic Togitsu
Author Yusuke Ejima Department of Clinical Engineering, Sakuramachi Clinic
Author Tomoyuki Takagi Hemodialysis Center, Sakuramachi Clinic
Author Junichiro Hashiguchi Hemodialysis Center, Sakuramachi Clinic Togitsu
Author Satoshi Funakoshi Hemodialysis Center, Sakuramachi Clinic
[ Summary ] A newly developed continuous monitoring system, measuring arteriovenous-pressure differences (AVPD) was evaluated as to whether it is clinically useful as a non-invasive monitoring device for hemodynamics in patients receiving hemodialysis (HD) treatment. We compared AVPD to CRIT-LINE, which is also a non-invasive optical technique for confinuously measuring the hematocrit of HD patients. With AVPD, there was no correlation between water-removal rates or average systolic blood pressure (SBP). On the other hand, a strong negative correlation was observed between CRIT-LINE and water-removal rates. However, the results of the relationship between CRIT-LINE and SBP were not clear, as CRIT-LINE moderately correlated with SBP when HD patients received meals during HD sessions, but showed no correlation when they did not receive meals during HD.
In conclusion, this system of measuring continuous AVPD is not useful for monitoring hemodynamics in patients receiving HD. Even with CRIT-LINE, various factors, including meal intake, may affect results and interpretations of data.