臨牀透析 Vol.22 No.5(5)

特集名 透析関連モニタリング技術の最前線
題名 インピーダンス法を用いた心拍出量の測定
発刊年月 2006年 05月
著者 荒井 和美 自治医科大学附属病院臨床工学部・臨床工学技士
著者 前田 孝雄 自治医科大学附属病院臨床工学部・臨床工学技士
著者 安藤 康宏 自治医科大学附属病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 血液透析中の循環動態モニタとして血圧,心電図,心拍数,循環血液量などがある.透析低血圧症や心疾患を有する患者では,心拍出量を経時的に監視することでより正確な循環動態が把握でき,さまざまな変化に対し,より安全な血液透析を施行できると考えられる.心拍出量の測定方法はおもに熱希釈法が用いられるが,血液透析中では非侵襲的,連続的に測定でき操作が簡便なインピーダンス法が望ましい.今後さらに機器の改良や臨床的評価などの検討が進むことを期待する.
Theme Current Topics in Monitoring Technologies for Dialysis Therapy
Title Measurement of cardiac output with impedance method
Author Kazumi Arai Department of Clinical Engineering, Jichi Medical University Hospital
Author Takao Maeda Department of Clinical Engineering, Jichi Medical University Hospital
Author Yasuhiro Ando Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Jichi Medical University Hospital
[ Summary ] Blood pressure, electrocardiograms, heart rate, and the amount of circulatory blood are used for monitoring hemodynamics during dialysis. In patients with dialysis hypotension or heart diseases, dialysis can be made safer by serial measurement of cardiac output, by which accurate hemodynamics can be monitored in cases of acute cardio-circulatory events. Measurement of cardiac output has traditionally been performed with the thermodilution method, but the impedance method is more useful during dialysis, due to its non-invasiveness, continuous measurement, and simplicity. However further improvements in apparatuses and clinical evaluation would be necessary for further improvements.