臨牀透析 Vol.22 No.4(10)

特集名 透析患者の循環器病変 -- 避けられない宿命か?
題名 糖尿病透析患者の循環器疾患の特徴
発刊年月 2006年 04月
著者 庄司 哲雄 大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科代謝内分泌病態内科学
著者 西沢 良記 大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科代謝内分泌病態内科学
【 要旨 】 糖尿病透析患者における血管障害の一つの特徴は,典型的な自覚症状に乏しいにもかかわらず,より高度な動脈硬化病変を示すことである.冠動脈では多枝病変が多く,石灰化が高度で,より末梢領域の病変が多い.足壊疽の頻度が高く,切断に至るリスクがより高い.また,心血管系疾患による死亡リスクがより高い.これらには,糖尿病に伴う動脈の壁肥厚,壁硬化,石灰化の促進に加え,糖尿病性網膜症による視力低下や糖尿病性末梢神経障害,免疫能の低下による易感染性,あるいは代謝障害に伴う栄養障害などさまざまな因子が関与していると考えられる.
Theme Cardiovascular Complications in Chronic Dialysis Patients -- Are They Inevitable?
Title Cardiovascular disease in diabetic patients with chronic renal failure
Author Tetsuo Shoji Department of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Molecular Medicine, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Yoshiki Nishizawa Department of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Molecular Medicine, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The characteristics of vascular disease in diabetic hemodialysis patients include a high prevalence of advanced arterial changes without typical symptomatic manifestations. Coronary angiographical studies reveal multi-vessel disease, with calcification, involving more distal regions. Foot ulcers are also more prevalent in hemodialysis patients with diabetes mellitus, and these patients are at an increased risk of amputation and death. The increased risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease is explained by the increased event occurrence and the increased fatality rates after an event. In addition to advanced arterial thickening, stiffening, and calcification, the high cardiovascular mortality rates in diabetic patients with renal failure may be attributable to other factors such as diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy, immune dysfunction, in addition to nutritional problems associated with diabetes mellitus.