臨牀透析 Vol.22 No.3(6-2)

特集名 透析看護における教育を再考する
題名 透析スタッフ教育 (2) 現任教育
発刊年月 2006年 03月
著者 江崎 真知子 金山クリニック看護部・看護師
【 要旨 】 現任教育は,病院の理念,看護部の理念・目標にそって,その実現に取り組むことである.教育を通して,組織人としてのあり方や看護サービスの質の向上と個々の能力開発などを目的として計画される.現任教育は,教育が行われる場所が施設内か施設外かで,院内教育と院外教育とに大きく分かれる.
院内教育には,集合教育と,現場で行うOJT (on the job training) がある.集合教育を充実させるだけでは,教育効果を十分に得ることは難しい.より効果的な看護師育成には,研修前の動機づけから研修終了後の成果の確認まで,集合教育とOJTの密な連携が必要である.またOJTの成功の第一歩は,「先輩が後輩を育てるのは当たり前」という,ともに学び,育て合う職場風土づくりが大切である.
Theme Thinking Over Again About the Education in Dialysis Nursing
Title Education for dialysis staffs -- Job advancement training
Author Machiko Ezaki Department of Nursing, Kanayama Clinic
[ Summary ] Job advancement training is conducted with the aim of realizing hospitals goals concerning nursing. This training is planned so that, through education, people may improve their position as members of the organization and improve the quality of nursing service, developing their individual abilities. Job advancement training is broadly divided into in-hospital training and outside training, depending on whether it is conducted inside or outside the facility.
In-hospital training includes group training and on the job (OJT) training. It is difficult to provide sufficient education by improving only group training. More effective developments in nursing require close co-ordination of group training and OJT, situations. This goal may be achieved by motivating people from the start of training through it's conclusion. The first step in successful OJT is to provide a workplace environment in which juinor nurses learn not only from more experienced nurses, but in which everyone can learn from each other.