臨牀透析 Vol.22 No.3(5-3)

特集名 透析看護における教育を再考する
題名 透析スタッフへの動機づけの教育 (3) 透析看護師の「態度・姿勢」のあり方
発刊年月 2006年 03月
著者 小手田 紀子 緑栄会三愛記念病院・看護師
【 要旨 】 透析療法に関わる看護師として,患者が透析を受け入れ,維持透析までの過程のなかで,患者に適切な自己管理の指導ができること,質問・疑問に的確に答えられる知識を習得すること,患者の信頼関係を築くことが大切である.緊急時に患者の生命を優先し対処できる危機察知能力と知識をもち,透析技術を習得する必要がある.また他職種と連携して,医療事故防止に努め,患者の安全,安楽を高めることを目指す.透析看護の質を向上させるために専門性を求めていきたい.
Theme Thinking Over Again About the Education in Dialysis Nursing
Title Behavior and situation of hemodialysis associated nurses
Author Noriko Koteda Department of Nursing, Sanai Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] Hemodialysis nurses should have several skills. They must teach patients how to maintain self control from the beginning of hemodialysis through the maintenance period, to answer questions concerning hemodialysis and to establish reliable relationships with patients.
They should also have skills and knowledge concerning hemodialysis and master an ability to detect dangerous situations in routine work, along with proper treatment for emergencies. Hemodailysis may be considered to be a form of group therapy. Therefore, communication with staff members in other positions is important in order to prevent medical accidents and to maintain the safety and comfort of patients. We will seek greater degrees of speciality in order to improve the quality of hemodialysis care.