臨牀透析 Vol.22 No.2(8)

特集名 透析患者における難治性感染症 -- 最新の診断と治療
題名 肺炎球菌感染症のワクチン療法
発刊年月 2006年 02月
著者 山木 万里郎 日立製作所水戸総合病院腎臓内科/現 やまき内科クリニック
【 要旨 】 おそらくは本邦で初めてと思われる,血液透析患者へ肺炎球菌ポリサッカライドワクチンの投与を2002年冬に行った.投与する意義,機序と効果,他国での成績,および自験例の短期 (3カ月間)・中期 (2年半) 成績,今後の見通しについて報告する.また,肺炎球菌による肺炎またはそのほかの感染症に対する治療法についても概略する.
Theme Intractable Infection in Hemodialysis Patients -- Current Diagnosis and Treatment
Title Vaccination for pneumococcal infections
Author Mario Yamaki Department of Nephrology, Hitachi Ltd., Mito General Hospital / Yamaki Medical Clinic
[ Summary ] We conducted immunizations with pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) on 38 patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) in our hospital in the 2002 winter season. The only adverse effects observed from PPV were prolonged rhinitis. In the first winter season, 3 patients suffered from pneumonia, but, no Pneumococcus was detected. Their basal conditions, such as diabetes, bronchial asthma and gastric cancer were thought to affect the occurrence of pneumonia. After 3 winter seasons, 8 pneumonia or upper respiratory tract infection cases were observed in the 27 patients who still were undergoing HD in our hospital. Of the 8 cases, 2 pneumococcal infection cases were confirmed. Because reimmunization for PPV is not allowed in Japan at this time, we should carefully consider our actions in relation to PPV immunization of HD patients. Thus, sufficient informed consent should be provided for HD patients before immunization.