臨牀透析 Vol.22 No.2(10)

特集名 透析患者における難治性感染症 -- 最新の診断と治療
題名 疥癬
発刊年月 2006年 02月
著者 林田 征俊 衆和会桜町クリニック・臨床工学技士
著者 橋口 純一郎 衆和会桜町クリニック時津
著者 船越 哲 衆和会桜町クリニック内科
【 要旨 】 疥癬は,近年の高齢化社会に伴い,介護型病院や老人ホームなどの入院患者・入居者や,彼らを介護する職員に集団発生の事例が報告されている.透析医療においても,糖尿病性腎症の増加や高齢者の導入,加えて複数の外来患者および入院患者がベッドを共用する透析治療ユニットでは,感染の危険性は高いといえる.加えて,疥癬は虫体に関する情報はあるものの,届け出の義務がないために疫学的データが乏しい.本稿では透析患者の特殊性を踏まえ,実際に当施設での疥癬発生時の対応を交えた臨床現場での対応について述べる.
Theme Intractable Infection in Hemodialysis Patients -- Current Diagnosis and Treatment
Title Sarcoptes scabiei (scabies)
Author Masatoshi Hayashida Department of Clinical Engineering, Sakuramachi Clinic
Author Jun-Ichiroh Hashiguchi Hemodialys Center, Sakuramachi Clinic Togitsu
Author Satoshi Funakoshi Hemodialysis Center, Sakuramachi Clinic
[ Summary ] Human scabies, Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis, produce a contagious disease caused by small insects. They are transmitted via skin contact, and the most frequent symptom is itching. Reports of the mass spread of human scabies have been increasing among elderly inpatients, elderly nursing home residents and the personnel who take care of them. In hemodialysis (HD) patients, the prevalence of scabies is thought to be potentially high, along with the increase in elderly patients requiring diabetic nephropathy. In addition, hemodialysis treatment itself has the following risks ; (1) multiple patients are frequently treated in the same units, (2) delays in diagnosis because of complaints of itching, which the majority of HD patients have. We hereby report on our management when experiencing scabies in inpatients. First, we consulted dermatologists for conclusive diagnosis. Secondly, we informed all the patients and employees at our hospital of the occurrence of scabies. Then we started to treat patients. We wiped the whole body of all inpatients, except their heads and necks, with benzylethanol, flowed by a complete change of their clothing and linens, room by room. For outpatients, packages of benzylethanol were given, and outpatients treated themselves. No treatment was given for hospital employees or patients' families, since they take showers and change their clothes everyday. Hence, we successfully eliminated scabies from our hospital. The management of scabies was considered to be done thoroughly, and quickly.