臨牀透析 Vol.22 No.11(2-4)

特集名 透析医療における災害対策
題名 災害に学ぶ -- 過去から [4] 2005年福岡県西方沖地震
発刊年月 2006年 10月
著者 隈 博政 くま腎クリニック
【 要旨 】 2005年福岡県西方沖地震に際し,福岡県透析医会は災害時優先電話や災害時優先携帯電話およびe-mailを用い,さらにインターネットで日本透析医会災害情報ネットワークの「災害時情報伝達・集計専用ページ」を利用して,会員の被災状況調査,被災透析施設の支援を行った.患者への一斉連絡にNHKテレビのテロップを利用した.この間,被災状況および支援体制案を会員,日本透析医会など各方面にe-mailを用いてリアルタイムで広報した.
Theme Contingency Plans for Dialysis Treatment
Title West Off Fukuoka Prefecture Earthquake
Author Hiromasa Kuma Kuma Jin Clinic
[ Summary ] After the West Off Fukuoka Prefecture Earthquake in 2005, the Fukuoka Prefecture Association of Dialysis Physicians (FADP) investigated the damage and supported those members who were affected by using Priority Calls, e-mail and the page for disasters provided by the Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians (JADP). The telop from NHK TV was used for the simultaneous transmission of information to all patients. At the same time, FADP notified the members of FADP, JADP etc. of the state of the damage and support system plans, using e-mail. In the future, we think that a simultaneous contact system, using cell phone e-mail would be more useful, as judged by this experience. It is important to cooperate with the Prefectural Associations of Dialysis Physicians and regional networks, JADP, the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy, government administration and the media.