臨牀透析 Vol.22 No.10(2-8)

特集名 移植腎機能喪失後の透析再導入とケア
題名 [各論]透析再導入後に二次腎移植を考える場合の問題
発刊年月 2006年 09月
著者 森田 研 北海道大学病院泌尿器科
著者 渡井 至彦 北海道大学病院泌尿器科
著者 野々村 克也 北海道大学病院泌尿器科
【 要旨 】 北海道大学病院で最近10年間に行われた腎移植87例中,現時点までに腎機能を廃絶した6症例と,そのなかで二次腎移植を受けた2例を対象として,二次腎移植に至るまでの経緯を中心に,問題点を検討した.4例の二次腎移植未施行例と2例の二次腎移植施行例の比較により,二次腎移植を行うためには,二次生体ドナー候補者がいること,献腎登録の小児ポイントが獲得できること,感染症が制圧されていること,抗HLA抗体が産生されていないことが必要条件であると考えられた.
Theme Dialysis Re-initiation and Related Cares after Functional Loss of Transplanted Kidney
Title Clinical and social problems in kidney retransplantation
Author Ken Morita Urological Surgery, Hokkaido University Hospital
Author Yoshihiko Watarai Urological Surgery, Hokkaido University Hospital
Author Katsuya Nonomura Urological Surgery, Hokkaido University Hospital
[ Summary ] We reviewed the clinical course of 2 kidney retransplant cases out of 87 kidney recipients who underwent kidney transplantation in our institute over the past ten years. Six of 87 patients lost allograft functions during this period, we summarized and discussed the clinical history and social backgrounds of these recipients. In order to be successful candidates for retransplantation, patients need new live kidney donor candidates, priority on cadaveric kidney waiting lists, especially for pediatric recipients, good control of post-transplant infectious diseases and negative anti-HLA antibody production.
Graft and patient survival rates for kidney retransplantation are inferior to those for primary kidney transplantation. We must minimize the co-morbidity related to dialysis therapy, post-transplant immunosuppression, risk of recurrent kidney disease, retrieval of primary kidney allografts and post-transplant infectious disease. Social problems inherent in recipient's families should be seriously considered if the retransplant donor candidate is a living relative.