臨牀透析 Vol.22 No.10(1-1)

特集名 移植腎機能喪失後の透析再導入とケア
題名 [総説]腎移植成績
発刊年月 2006年 09月
著者 打田 和治 名古屋第二赤十字病院腎臓病総合医療センター移植・内分泌外科
【 要旨 】 腎移植は慢性腎不全患者に対する唯一の根治療法であり,その成績は年々向上し,5年生着率も90 %を超える勢いで進歩してきている.また,以前では考えられなかったABO血液型不適合の移植も今までに全国で700例以上実施されてきており,その成績も血液型適合移植とほぼ変わらないほどにまでなっている.その背景には新たに導入された免疫抑制薬の存在と,液性の拒絶反応や感染症への対策など各施設の工夫が大きく成績向上に貢献してきていると思われる.今後の課題としては提供者に恵まれた生体腎移植については着実に推進,並びにさらなる成績向上をはかること,また献腎移植においては現在の数の低迷を社会啓発などで少しでも改善していくことが挙げられる.
Theme Dialysis Re-initiation and Related Cares after Functional Loss of Transplanted Kidney
Title Clinical outcome of kidney transplants
Author Kazuharu Uchida Department of Transplant and Endocrine Surgery, Kidney Center, Nagoya Daini Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] Renal transplantation is the only cure for patients with chronic renal failure. The results of such transplantation are improving, with the five-year graft survival rate now approaching 90 %. In addition, renal transplantation with ABO-incompatible blood groups, which in the past was not considered feasible, has now been conducted in over 700 cases nationwide. Results similar to those seen with ABO-compatible blood group patients were achieved. Possible factors contributing to improvements in these results are the advent of new immunosuppressants, as well as preventive measures taken by medical facilities for humoral rejection and infectious disease control. Some issues to consider in the future, to further improve outcomes for those with chronic renal failure, are the following : promotion of renal transplantation from living donors, increasing the number of donations available after cardiac death and providing public education.