臨牀透析 Vol.21 No.9(4)

特集名 尿毒症・慢性透析にみられる合併症と関連する諸物質
題名 自律神経障害
発刊年月 2005年 08月
著者 山内 淳 大阪労災病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 腎不全患者では高率に自律神経障害が認められる.心血管系,消化器系,生殖器系障害のほか,発汗異常など全身の多臓器にわたる.とくに,圧受容体の感受性低下による低血圧は,透析困難症の原因になるだけでなく,生命予後と関連している.本症の原因は不明であり,関与する毒性物質は同定されていない.心電図R-R間隔変動,Valsalva試験やSchellong試験など,心血管反射に関する検査がよく用いられ,これらを基本に客観的に障害の程度を判定する目的で,総合的自律神経機能評価法が提唱されている.透析を行っても明らかな改善は通常認められず,腎移植後も障害は遷延する.
Theme The Various Uremic Symptomes and their Causative Substances
Title Autonomic neuropathy
Author Atsushi Yamauchi Division of Nephrology, Osaka Rosai Hospital
[ Summary ] Patients with chronic renal failure often display a variety of disturbances in the function of the autonomic nervous system. Autonomic neuropathy includes defective autonomic control of the cardiovascular system, dysfunction of gastrointestinal motility, impotence and defective sweat gland function. Reduced baroreceptor sensitivity is especially noted with hypotension during hemodialysis and plays an important role in mortality rates for hemodialysis patients. The pathogenesis of uremic autonomic neuropathy is still unknown and the toxic substances related to dysfunction have not been identified. To quantify generalized autonomic failure, a composite autonomic scoring scale was proposed, involving the coefficient of variation of R-R intervals, the Valsalva maneuver and response to orthostasis. Uremic autonomic damage is somewhat irreversible and requires a long time to be repaired in transplant patients.