臨牀透析 Vol.21 No.9(11)

特集名 尿毒症・慢性透析にみられる合併症と関連する諸物質
題名 皮膚障害
発刊年月 2005年 08月
著者 服部 瑛 はっとり皮膚科医院
【 要旨 】 透析患者に頻発する皮膚障害のなかで,乾皮症,痒み,色素沈着を取り上げて考察した.乾皮症は,皮膚角層機能や皮膚表面構造の変化などを背景にして生ずる.痒みはC線維を介する痒みも一部存在するが,その多くは中枢性のオピオイドペプチド-オピオイドレセプターが関与しているものと思われる.この分野での新薬の完成が待たれる.透析技術の改良のためか,色素沈着は以前に比べて,その程度・頻度が減じてきている.色素沈着の原因として,β,γ-リポトロピン (lipotropin) が重要視されている.
Theme The Various Uremic Symptomes and their Causative Substances
Title Skin disturbances in hemodialytic patients
Author Akira Hattori Hattori Dermatology Clinic
[ Summary ] Skin lesions, including xerosis, pruritus, and hyperpigmentation, in hemodialysis patients are discussed Xerosis is caused by a change in the stratum corneum and the external structure of the skin. Pruritus can be triggered by C fibers though it is mainly caused by opioid peptides and opioid receptors. The Arrival of effective new treatments for this condition are expected in the future. As for hyperpigmentation, the frequency and severity of both are being improved. This may be a result of improvements in dialysis techniques. Elevations in the levels of serum β, γ-lipotropin have recently been considered to be a cause of hyperpigmentation in hemodialysis patients.