臨牀透析 Vol.21 No.8(2-2)

特集名 末期腎不全患者の血圧管理 -- 保存期,透析期,移植
題名 透析期 (2) 透析患者の高血圧の疫学
発刊年月 2005年 07月
著者 井関 邦敏 硫球大学医学部附属病院血液浄化療法部
【 要旨 】 透析患者における降圧目標値に関する疫学的根拠は少ない.わが国では透析前の血圧が低いほど生命予後が不良で,収縮期血圧160 - 180 mmHgがもっとも1年死亡リスクが低い.DOPPS研究によると,高血圧を有する例では生命予後が26%良好であった.これらの逆転現象 (reverse epidemiology) は高齢者,うっ血性心不全,エイズや悪性腫瘍患者でも同様に認められる.原因として,栄養障害,慢性炎症の関与が考えられている.高血圧患者に対しては,透析中の症状を伴う血圧低下をきたさない程度,透析前の血圧を140 / 90 mmHg未満,が目標である.透析患者を対象にした前向き介入研究が必要である.
Theme Blood Pressure Control of Chronic Kidney Disease during Conservative Treatment, on Dialysis, and after Kidney Transplantation
Title Epidemiologic aspects of hypertension in chronic dialysis patients
Author Kunitoshi Iseki Dialysis Unit, University Hospital of The Ryukyus
[ Summary ] Epidemiological evidence for adequate levels of blood pressure is scarce for dialysis patients. According to the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy, the one year survival rate was best among patients with a systolic blood pressure of 160 - 180 mmHg. Similarly, survival rates were better in those with hypertension by 26 %. Phenomena, such as reverse epidemiology are seen in patients such as the elderly, or those with congestive heart failure, AIDS, or malignancies. The underlying etiologies are yet to be proven, but they may be related to malnutrition and chronic inflammation in dialysis patients. Currently, it is thought target blood pressure levels should be 140 / 90 mmHg at pre-dialysis sessions. Prospective randomized studies are needed to confirm recommendations, derived from the general population.