臨牀透析 Vol.21 No.6(8)

特集名 透析患者の眼
題名 糖尿病網膜症
発刊年月 2005年 06月
著者 大越 貴志子 聖路加国際病院眼科
【 要旨 】 今日の糖尿病網膜症の治療は,失明防止の治療からより良い視機能の獲得を目指した治療に変革しつつある.近年,レーザー光凝固術の適切な導入や,硝子体手術の安全性の向上など,眼科治療の発展に加え,透析技術の進歩により透析糖尿病網膜症患者の視機能は向上しつつある.透析導入時にみられた増殖性変化は,導入後2年以上経過すると多くは鎮静化してくる.今日透析導入に伴う網膜症の悪化はあまり懸念する必要はなく,むしろ増殖性変化の抑制や黄斑浮腫の改善のために積極的に導入することが望まれている.しかし,透析導入時に硝子体出血を認めた場合,あるいは,出血のリスクの高い症例での硝子体手術の際はへパリンをメシル酸ナファモスタットに変更することが望ましい.透析内科医と眼科医の緊密な連携が透析糖尿病網膜症患者を失明から救済する鍵である.
Theme The Eye in Hemodialysis Patients
Title Diabetic retinopathy
Author Kishiko Ohkoshi Department of Ophthalmology, St Luke's International Hospital
[ Summary ] Over the past few decades, the management of diabetic retinopathy has been dramatically improved. Current diabetic retinopathy treatment is oriented not only toward saving patients from blindness but also at obtaining better quality of vision. Recently, the visual prognosis for diabetic retinopathy patients undergoing hemodialysis has been improved by the timely use of laser photocoagulation and sophisticated vitrectomy techniques. Improvements in hemodialysis techniques such as hemodynamic monitoring and the availability of recombinant erythropoietin have also inhibited deterioration of retinal function, resulting in better visual prognosis. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy at the initiation of hemodialysis is known to stabilize within a few years. Today, most diabetic retinopathy with end stage renal disease is considered to improve after the induction of hemodialysis. Induction of hemodialysis is thus advocated to stabilize neovascular proliferation and resolve macular edema in severe diabetic retinopathy. Recognition of the stage and severity of diabetic retinopathy is necessary to initiate hemodialysis appropriately. A team approach such as timely referral of patients for ophthalmological intervention is a key in saving patients from blindness.