臨牀透析 Vol.21 No.5(6)

特集名 臨床工学技士周辺の最近の動向
題名 関連法規 : 臨床工学技士関連法規と業務指針
発刊年月 2005年 05月
著者 鈴木 一郎 仙台市医療センター仙台オープン病院臨床工学室・臨床工学技士
【 要旨 】 臨床工学技士業務は臨床工学技士法により定められており,臨床工学技士法および関連法規により職務を遂行しなければならない.また,医療施設においては医師をはじめ多数の医療従事者が働いており,臨床工学技士はこれら医療従事者と連携協力し業務を遂行しなければならない.臨床工学技士法は,各種医療業務法を通じて初めていわゆるチーム医療の理念が条文の形で盛り込まれ,業務遂行において各医療従事者との連携が重要となっている.よって臨床工学技士は,これら医療関係職種の法令・医療関連法規を熟知し業務を遂行しなければならない.
Theme Current Status in Clinical Engineering Technologists
Title Clinical regulation related to skilled engineering personnel and business guidelines
Author Ichiro Suzuki Clinical Engineer, Sendai Medical Center, Sendai Open Hospital
[ Summary ] The Clinical Engineer Law establishes duties for clinical engineers. Every clinical engineer must carry out their duties as established by the Clinical Engineer Law and associated laws. In hospitals, there are many doctors and other medical workers, so clinical engineers must accomplish their duties while cooperating with them.
The clinical Engineer Law could produce the use of the term "Team Medicine" for the first time in medical law, therefore it is important for clinical engineers to cooperate with all medical workers on their jobs.
As a result, clinical engineers must accomplish their duties with the knowledge of medicaly related laws.
We describe our personal opinions on the points that we think should be corrected concerning clinical engineering-related law and the duties indicated for the future.