臨牀透析 Vol.21 No.5(3-4)

特集名 臨床工学技士周辺の最近の動向
題名 卒後教育 (4) 院内教育の必要性と安全確保
発刊年月 2005年 05月
著者 尾崎 真啓 重井医学研究所附属病院臨床工学部・臨床工学技士
著者 有元 克彦 重井医学研究所附属病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 臨床工学技士は,医学・工学両分野の知識を有する医療機器の専門家として生まれた資格である.そのため日頃から新しい医療機器に関する知識を習得するよう心がけるとともに,他医療職種に対して,医療機器の取り扱いを誤ると重大な事故になることを理解させ,安全に医療機器を取り扱えるように指導することも責務である.そのため,医療機器に接する機会をなるべく多く設けることが重要である.また,都道府県技士会での生涯教育においても技術的なことを学ぶための実習を多く取り入れる必要があると思われる.
Theme Current Status in Clinical Engineering Technologists
Title Necessity of lifelong education and safe procedures for hospitals
Author Masahiro Ozaki Department of Clinical Engineering, Shigei Medical Research Hospital
Author Katsuhiko Arimoto Department of Nephrology, Shigei Medical Research Hospital
[ Summary ] The qualification of clinical engineering technologists is done through a system for specialists having knowledge of both medicine and engineering. Therefore, while keeping it in mind that knowledge of medical equipment may be mastered on a daily basis, it is their duty to teach others their occupational medical duties so that they may assist in the understanding of the causes of serious accidents when handling the equipment improperly. Thus, medical equipment should be dealt with safely. Therefore, it is important to give these employees the opportunity to handle medical equipment as often as possible.
It is also necessary to use many practical skills for studying technical procedures as well as to have lifelong education at technologists' meetings in each prefecture.