臨牀透析 Vol.21 No.5(2-2-2)

特集名 臨床工学技士周辺の最近の動向
題名 学校教育 [2] 実りある臨床実習の実践 (2) 医療施設側から提起する問題点
発刊年月 2005年 05月
著者 内野 順司 日本臨床工学技士会教育委員/みはま病院ME部・臨床工学技士
【 要旨 】 臨床工学技士臨床実習の問題点を,これまでの報告より要約すると,実習の内容は受け入れ施設や分野別でバラツキがみられ,是正のために養成校と技士会の連携が重要であり,統一した臨床実習ガイドラインの作成と実習指導者の質を確保するための資格が必要である.この対応策として日本臨床工学技士会は,日本臨床工学技士教育施設協議会と連携し,統一した臨床実習ガイドラインの作成に取り掛かっている.また,臨床実習の指導を行う,指導臨床工学技士資格制度 (案) も構築中である.今後は,他職種に劣ることのない臨床工学技士独自の生涯教育システムを構築することが必要である.
Theme Current Status in Clinical Engineering Technologists
Title Problems related to medical education facilities
Author Junji Uchino Japan Association for Clinical Engineering Technologists, Member of the Board of Education / Mihama Hospital Medical Engineering Section
[ Summary ] If problems with clinical engineers' training are reviewed in old reports, there is an acceptance of variations according to the institution or field. Cooperation in the development of schools and the Association for Clinical Engineering Technologists is important for the development of training because corrections, and the qualifications to create a clinical-training guidelines and laboratory work determine the qualities which are required of them. In relation to this, the Japan Association for Clinical Engineering Technologists cooperated with the Japan Association of Educational Facilities of Clinical Engineering Technologists, and has begun the creation of unified clinical-training guidelines. Moreover, the proposed creation of a clinical engineers grading system, which will guide clinical training is also under development. It is required that we develop a clinical engineers' lifelong education system, which will not be inferior to other occupational programs.