臨牀透析 Vol.21 No.5(2-2-1)

特集名 臨床工学技士周辺の最近の動向
題名 学校教育 [2] 実りある臨床実習の実践 (1) 養成学校から希望すること
発刊年月 2005年 05月
著者 尼崎 朝子 東京電子専門学校臨床工学科
【 要旨 】 「臨床工学技士として,基礎的な実践能力を身につけ,医療における臨床工学の重要性を理解し,かつ,患者への対応について臨床現場で実習し,チーム医療の一員としての責任と役割を自覚する」というのが大綱化によって掲げられた臨床実習の教育目標である.
Theme Current Status in Clinical Engineering Technologists
Title Hoped for developments in practical clinical training
Author Tomoko Amasaki Department of Clinical Engineering, Tokyo Electronics College
[ Summary ] The target of practical clinical training is (1) the acquisition of fundamental practice capabilities, (2) the correspondence with patients in clinical situations, (3) developing responsibilities as medical treatment teams, and (4) developing consciousness of the role of bachelors of clinical engineering program in the standardization of educational programs for practical clinical training.
The most important need for developmental schools is the production of students for practical training in clinical situations. After clinical training, most of students may be motivated to learn clinical engineering. They may understand the true concepts of clinical engineering courses.
The increase in the effects of clinical practical training may depend on the standards of practical texts for institutions and educational programs. The completion of new standardized text for practical clinical training is hoped for as soon as possible.