臨牀透析 Vol.21 No.5(1)

特集名 臨床工学技士周辺の最近の動向
題名 総論 -- これからの臨床工学技士に求められるもの
発刊年月 2005年 05月
著者 峰島 三千男 東京女子医科大学臨床工学科
【 要旨 】 1988年,血液透析,体外循環など生命維持管理装置の操作ならびに保守点検を業務とする新しい医療国家資格として,臨床工学技士が誕生した.現在までに,養成学校の数は40校を超え,有資格者数も1万8千人に達した.2002年には日本臨床工学技士会が社団化され,社会的な地位も向上してきている.しかし,臨床工学技士の需要は慢性透析患者数に強く依存しており,今後拡大し続ける保証はない.科学技術の進歩により,血液透析に代わる新しい慢性腎不全治療が確立されれば,臨床工学技士の就労状況は一変する可能性がある.これからの臨床工学技士には,どのような状況に陥っても柔軟に対応できる基礎的な知識・技術の習得が求められる.
Theme Current Status in Clinical Engineering Technologists
Title Future requirements for clinical engineering technologists
Author Michio Mineshima Department of Clinical Engineering, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] In 1988, a national medical license, for clinical engineering technologist (CET), was established in Japan for specialists in the operation and maintenance of medical equipment such as that for hemodialysis, to assist circulation, and so on. More than forty training schools and colleges have been founded and over 18,000 CETs have been certificated with national licenses. The Japan Association for Clinical Engineering Technologists was organized as a corporate judicial party in 2002. Although the social status of CET has gradually increased, there is no guarantee this will continue in the future. The number of job offers for CET personnel is depends on the number of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. If a new therapy takes the place of hemodialysis, many technologists may be dismissed. Having a basic knowledge of this field and of the associated technology required for CET will allow employees to respond new therapies.