臨牀透析 Vol.21 No.4(2-3)

特集名 末期腎不全患者の悪性腫瘍
題名 透析患者の悪性腫瘍:透析患者に多発するのか (3) 大阪府
発刊年月 2005年 04月
著者 玉井 良尚 近畿大学医学部堺病院腎・透析科
著者 今田 聰雄 近畿大学医学部堺病院腎・透析科
著者 片畑 満美子 近畿大学医学部堺病院腎・透析科
著者 有山 洋二 近畿大学医学部堺病院腎・透析科
著者 大植 祥弘 近畿大学医学部堺病院腎・透析科
【 要旨 】 透析患者の増加および高齢化に伴い,悪性腫瘍が発生する数は今後も増加していくと考えられる.大阪府下の透析施設で行った調査では,定期的に悪性腫瘍のスクリーニング検査は行われてはいるが,自覚症状から発見される症例も多い.自覚症状で発見された症例では,スクリーニング検査で診断された症例よりも,腫瘍はより進行しており,予後も悪いことが明らかとなった.透析患者の悪性腫瘍発生率は高いとの報告は多いが,明確な結論は出ていない.透析患者の悪性腫瘍の発生率と同時に,どのような悪性腫瘍が,どの程度,どの時期に発生しやすいのかも明らかにする必要があり,透析患者の大規模な前向き調査を施行することが望まれる.
Theme Malignant Tumors in Patients with End-Stage Renal Failures
Title Malignant tumors in dialysis patients in Osaka prefecture
Author Yoshihisa Tamai Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, Sakai Hospital, Kinki University School of Medicine
Author Akio Imada Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, Sakai Hospital, Kinki University School of Medicine
Author Mamiko Katahata Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, Sakai Hospital, Kinki University School of Medicine
Author Yoji Ariyama Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, Sakai Hospital, Kinki University School of Medicine
Author Yoshihiro Ohue Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, Sakai Hospital, Kinki University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] It has been presumed that possibility of generation of malignant tumors in patients receiving dialysis will increase due to the increased number of elderly dialysis. A survey at dialysis institutes in Osaka prefecture revealed that screening tests for malignant tumors have periodically been conducted, while there have also been many cases found where malignant tumors have been detected through subjective symptoms. It has been suggested that progress of malignant tumors is more rapid and also prognosis is worse in the cases detected through subjective symptoms as compared with cases diagnosed with screening tests. Though there have been found many reports on possibility of the generation of malignant tumors being higher in patients receiving dialysis, no clear opinion has been made. It is necessary to clarify what kinds of malignant tumors are present in dialysis patients and to what degree this is so. Consequently, it is desired to conduct a large scale survey of patients receiving dialysis.