特集名 | 末期腎不全患者の悪性腫瘍 | |
題名 | 透析患者の悪性腫瘍:透析患者に多発するのか (1) 日本 -- 日本透析医学会統計資料から | |
発刊年月 | 2005年 04月 | |
著者 | 中井 滋 | 日本透析医学会統計調査委員会/名古屋大学医学部附属病院在宅管理医療部 |
【 要旨 】 | 1977年の死亡患者について,透析人口の一般人口に対する標準化死亡比 (standardized mortality ratio ; SMR) を,全死亡,悪性腫瘍による死亡,心疾患による死亡,脳血管障害による死亡のそれぞれについて比較した.その結果,全死亡のSMRは668,心疾患死亡のSMRは1,428,脳血管障害による死亡のSMRは567,悪性腫瘍による死亡のSMRは158であった. 今回の分析から,透析患者は一般人口よりも悪性腫瘍を死因として死亡する可能性が高いことが示された.また,心疾患や脳血管障害で死亡する可能性も高く,これは若年層で著しく高い傾向があった.しかしながら,SMRの値から悪性腫瘍の発生率を推測することは困難であるといわざるをえない. |
Theme | Malignant Tumors in Patients with End-Stage Renal Failures | |
Title | Malignant tumors in dialysis patients : high incidence in Japan ? (source : data from Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy) | |
Author | Shigeru Nakai | Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy / Department of In-home Medicine, Nagoya University Hospital |
[ Summary ] | The standardized mortality ratio (SMR) for the dialysis population in relation to the general population was calculated in 1997 for patients who had died. First, the SMR was obtained for overall patient mortality, then death due to malignant tumors, cardiac disease and cerebrovascular disorders, respectively. The results indicated a SMR of 668 for overall mortality, 158 for malignant tumores, and 1,428 for cardiac disease. The SMR was 567 for death from cardiovascular disorders. Based on the analysis of these results, the dialysis population showed a greater risk of death due to malignant tumors than the general population. Moreover, the risk of death was also high from cardiac disease and cerebrovascular disorders, a trend that was remarkably pronounced in younger age groups. It was virtually impossible, however, to predict the incidence of malignant tumors based on the SMR level. |