特集名 | 末期腎不全患者の悪性腫瘍 | |
題名 | 序論:日本人の悪性腫瘍 -- 主要死因と悪性腫瘍種類の変遷 | |
発刊年月 | 2005年 04月 | |
著者 | 大平 整爾 | 札幌北クリニック |
【 要旨 】 | 維持透析患者の主要な死因は,第1位:心不全,第2位:感染症,第3位:脳血管障害,第4位:悪性腫瘍,第5位:心筋梗塞である.本特集の主題である悪性腫瘍は死因の第4位を占めている.一方,日本人全体の死因は,第1位:悪性腫瘍,第2位:心疾患,第3位:脳血管疾患,第4位:肺炎,第5位:不慮の事故である.一般人口における悪性腫瘍についてみると,男性では第1位:気管・気管支・肺,第2位:胃,第3位:肝臓・肝内胆管,第4位:大腸,第5位:膵臓であり,女性では第1位:胃,第2位:大腸,第3位:気管・気管支・肺,第4位:肝臓・肝内胆管,第5位:乳房である.1981年以降,悪性腫瘍が死因第1位の座を占めており,近年では胃癌で男女ともに漸減が認められ,また気管・気管支・肺の悪性腫瘍の増加がとくに男性で顕著である. |
Theme | Malignant Tumors in Patients with End-Stage Renal Failures | |
Title | Malignant tumors in Japanese population : changes in major causes of death and varieties of malignant tumors -- comparisons to maintenance dialysis patients | |
Author | Seiji Ohira | Sapporo Kita Clinic |
[ Summary ] | The major causes of death among maintenance dialysis patients are, in order, as follows : (1) cardiac failure, (2) infection, (3) cerebrovascular incidents, (4) malignant tumors, and (5) myocardial infarction. On the other hand, those in the general Japanese population are reported, in order, as follows : (1) malignant tumors, (2) cardiac failure, (3) cerebrovascular incidents, (4) pneumonia, and (5) unexpected accidents. As for malignant tumors in the general male population, they are : (1) lung cancer, (2) gastric cancer, (3) liver and intrahepatic bile duct cancer, (4) cancer of the large intestine, and (5) pancreatic cancer. In females, they are : (1) gastric cancer, (2) cancer of the large intestine, (3) lung cancer, (4) liver and intrahepatic bile duct cancer, and (5) breast cancer. Since 1981, death due to malignancies has occupied the number one spot as the cause of death. This has recently been characterized as death due to gastric cancer in both sexes having shown a gradual decrease and those malignancies due to lung cancer, especially among males, having shown a remarkable increase. |