臨牀透析 Vol.21 No.2(13)

特集名 血液浄化療法の新しいmodality
題名 血液透析,腹膜透析併用療法:キネティックス
発刊年月 2005年 02月
著者 濱田 浩幸 九州大学大学院農学研究院生物機能科学部門/システム生命科学府
著者 山下 明泰 湘南工科大字工学部マテリアル工学科
【 要旨 】 腹膜透析 (PD) 患者に血液透析 (HD) を併用する治療法 (併用療法) は,元来,PDの透析不足をHDで補うために生まれた.併用療法は異なる治療法を混用するため,治療スケジュールの設定と透析量の評価には理論的な取り扱いが必要である.本稿では,キネティックスの観点から,併用療法の治療スケジュールと透析量について考えた.腎機能が廃絶した患者に,週1回のHDと治療休日を含むPDを処方した場合,透析量を変えずに短期の腹膜休息を与えることができる.併用療法は,体液量管理が困難なPD患者,HDへ移行するPD末期の患者,またはHDをネガティブ導入した患者においてとくに有用と思われる.
Theme New Modalities in Blood Purification Therapies
Title Kinetic model : analysis of PD and HD combined therapy -- complementary dialysis
Author Hiroyuki Hamada Laboratory for Bioinformatics, Graduate School of Systems Life Sciences, Kyushu University
Author Akihiro C. Yamashita Biomaterials and Artificial Organ Research, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Shonan Institute of Technology
[ Summary ] A combined treatment of hemodialysis (HD) and continuous peritoneal dialysis (PD), termed complementary dialysis, is expected to provide stable homeostasis with PD, and to increase the relatively low removal rates of PD with HD. Since the term complementary dialysis applies to two different therapies with different schedules, it may be difficult to prescribe a better therapeutic pattern without the aid of theoretical calculations. In this article, we discussed therapeutic schedules and solute removal efficiencies of the complementary dialysis from the viewpoint of kinetics. We constructed a kinetic model for the complementary dialysis that includes three compartments, i.e. the intracellular, extracellular and intraperitoneal spaces. Several patterns of the complementary dialysis were numerically simulated and were evaluated by employing the concept of Cleared-Volume. Additionally, we calculated the time courses of metabolite concentrations in plasma, and analyzed differences in therapeutic schedules. Patients with no residual renal function may require higher dialysis dose, if treated by one HD, one no dialysis day and five-day PD. Further more, the complementary dialysis with one HD and a five-day or six-day PD may not decrease the concentration of Β2-microglobulin if the patient is originally treated with seven-day PD. A better treatment schedule for complementary dialysis to improve solute removal capacity may be carefully prescribed using kinetic analysis.