臨牀透析 Vol.21 No.13(5-1)

特集名 年齢・病態に見合った腎不全患者の栄養管理
題名 透析患者におけるサプリメントの有用性と問題点
発刊年月 2005年 12月
著者 金澤 良枝 東京家政学院短期大学/東京医科大学管理栄養士
著者 中尾 俊之 東京医科大学腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 サプリメント (栄養補助食品) には,栄養機能食品として含有成分が明らかなものと,いわゆる健康食品として扱われている錠剤,カプセル状,ドリンク状の多種多様の食品がある.日常の食生活で不足するビタミン,ミネラル類を補助的に摂取する目的で,適正量の利用であれば有効性は高いが,過剰摂取による問題も考えられる.また,含有成分が明らかにされていない食品も存在し,健康被害の危険性もないとはいえない.透析患者のサプリメント利用については,品質を評価して過剰摂取の有害性のないように栄養相談を行うことが大切である.
Theme Nutritional Management of Patients with Renal Failure -- Suitable for Ages and Clinical Conditions
Title Benefits of and problems with supplements used for dialysis patients
Author Yoshie Kanazawa Tokyo Kasei-gakuin Junior College / Department of Nephrology, Tokyo Medical University
Author Toshiyuki Nakao Department of Nephrology, Tokyo Medical University
[ Summary ] There are two kinds of supplements. One is those foods with nutritional functions for which cliams concerning composition have been analyzed and intake is clearly indicated. The others are so called healthy foods made into tablets, capsules and liquids for which compositions are not always given. The latter might be effective if they were taken in adequate doses to make up for insufficient vitamins and minerals. On the other hand, hazards due to excessive intake must be considered. There also exist foods for which the compositions have not been clarified, so the risks for damage to health have not always been avoided. When using those foods for dialysis patients, nutritional consultation is essential to assess the quality of the foods and to avoid health risks caused by excessive intake.