臨牀透析 Vol.21 No.1(9)

特集名 糖尿病と透析療法
題名 糖尿病性腎症失明患者への対応
発刊年月 2005年 01月
著者 安斉 美幸 眞仁会横須賀クリニック・看護師
【 要旨 】 糖尿病による眼障害のなかで増殖性糖尿病性網膜症は,軽症から重症まできわめて多彩な病像を呈する.網膜症は病状の進行によっては治療が困難をきわめ,後天性失明の原因の第1位となっている.失明となる背景として糖尿病眼障害に対する認識不足があり,病状が進行し視力低下などの眼症状が出現し初めて失明への危機感を抱く患者が多い.
Theme Dialysis in Diabetic Patients
Title Care for diabetic dialysis patients with blindness
Author Miyuki Anzai Department of Nursing, Yokosuka Clinic
[ Summary ] Proliferative diabetic retinopathy has many symptoms, ranging from slight to serious illnesses. Advanced diabetic retinopathy is difficult to treat. It is the leading cause of acquired blindness. There is a lack of understanding as to how diabetes can cause someone to become blind. When the illness reaches an advanced stage, a patient has a sense of impending crisis concerning the loss of their eyesight for the first time. Blood sugar management and periodic consultations with ophthalmologists will prevent of complications.