臨牀透析 Vol.21 No.1(8-7)

特集名 糖尿病と透析療法
題名 合併症対策 (7) 栄養障害 -- 食事指導の工夫
発刊年月 2005年 01月
著者 岩原 由美子 信楽園病院栄養科・管理栄養士
著者 渡辺 栄吉 信楽園病院栄養科・管理栄養士
著者 鈴木 正司 信楽園病院内科
【 要旨 】 糖尿病透析患者では,非糖尿病透析患者に比べると蛋白・エネルギー性低栄養が主体の栄養障害が起こりやすい.対策は十分な透析の施行や蛋白異化亢進の抑制,運動療法の実行,栄養摂取量の増加をはかる,などである.食事指導の工夫は,食欲不振による摂取量不足例では分食指導をする.透析間の体重増加抑制のために食事量の減量例では塩分指導を行う.高カリウム血症,高リン血症を懸念した過度の食事量の抑制例では良質のたんぱく質を中心に1.0-1.2g/kg/day摂取し,血糖管理の悪化のために摂取量不足の症例では間食指導をする.指導は導入期では家族を中心に行い,導入前と同じ食品交換表を用いるほうが患者や家族の理解が得やすい.医師を中心にチーム医療が大切である.
Theme Dialysis in Diabetic Patients
Title Nutritional deficits -- meeting patients' nutritional needs related to education
Author Yumiko Iwahara Department of Nutrition, Shinnraku-en Hospital
Author Eikichi Watanabe Department of Nutrition, Shinnraku-en Hospital
Author Masashi Suzuki Department of Medicine, Shinnraku-en Hospital
[ Summary ] Among dialysis patients who also have comobidity related to diabetes, it is more common for them to have nutritional deficits compared to those who do not. Low protein/energy diets usually lead to low nutritional intake. There are a few preventative measures, such as receiving sufficient dialysis, controlling the progression of protein catabolism, getting adequate exercise, increasing nutritional intake etc. In order to increase nutritional intake, it is necessary to meet personal needs by educating patients. If the patients' poor appetite results in inadequate nutritional intake, we need to educate those patients on how to eat small amounts each time, depending on their needs. Education on salt intake is also essential for patients who decrease their dietary intake during dialysis. Patients who control dietary intake in order to prevent high potassium and high phosphorus levels, need to receive high quality protein, about 1.0-1.2g/kg/day. These patients also need to be directed to eat snacks between meals to control blood sugar levels. It is very important to involve patients' family members at the start of nutritional education. It better to develope understanding with the use of the same food exchange chart from the beginning of treatment.