臨牀透析 Vol.21 No.1(8-5)

特集名 糖尿病と透析療法
題名 合併症対策 (5) 消化管合併症 -- とくに虚血性腸炎
発刊年月 2005年 01月
著者 佐藤 攻 信楽園病院外科
著者 諸田 哲也 信楽園病院外科
著者 宮崎 滋 信楽園病院内科
【 要旨 】 最近5年間に経験した虚血性腸炎は10例であり,このうち6例が壊死型腸炎だった.1例が手術不能で死亡.5例に手術を施行したが,3例が死亡し2例が救命された.ショック前に手術を施行できた2例は救命された.術中透析などの積極的治療も併用すべきだ.ショック前に意識レベルの低下を見つけ手術を決定することが,壊死型腸炎例の救命のポイントである.
Theme Dialysis in Diabetic Patients
Title Gangrenous ischemic colitis
Author Osamu Sato Department of Surgery, Shinraku-en Hospital
Author Tetsuya Moroda Department of Surgery, Shinraku-en Hospital
Author Shigeru Miyazaki Kidney Center, Shinraku-en Hospital
[ Summary ] A retrospective study was made of six patients who had gangrenous ischemic colitis from Jan 1999 to Dec 2003. Five patients were operated. 3 cases with patients in shock before operations died, 2 cases with patients not in shock were successfully treated. The high mortality rate reflects the difficulties encountered in management of these patients. The authors are convinced that the only way to reduce the mortality rate for gangrenous ischaemic colitis is to perform an operation before the onsent of circulatory shock. It also emphasizes that a decrease in the patient's level of consciousness precedes circulatory shock.