臨牀透析 Vol.21 No.1(8-2-3)

特集名 糖尿病と透析療法
題名 合併症対策 (2) 糖尿病性壊疽 3. LDL吸着療法
発刊年月 2005年 01月
著者 花岡 一成 神奈川県衛生看護専門学校付属病院腎疾患専門診療部
著者 川口 良人 神奈川県衛生看護専門学校付属病院腎疾患専門診療部/東京慈恵会医科大学腎臓・高血圧内科客員教授
【 要旨 】 糖尿病性壊疽は糖尿病患者において腎症,網膜症と並んで患者の生命予後やQOLに大きな影響を与える合併症である.閉塞性動脈硬化症 (ASO) の進行に伴い,病変部位への血流が低下し,皮膚潰瘍,感染が起こるため,薬物治療に抵抗性で,血行再建術や下肢切断などの外科的治療が必要となることが多い.家族性高コレステロール血症や難治性ネフローゼ症候群の治療に使用されてきた低比重リポ蛋白 (LDL) 吸着療法が冠動脈疾患に有効であることから,近年ASOの治療にLDL吸着療法が行われるようになりつつある.本稿では,ASOに対するLDL吸着療法の適応とその実際について自験例を交えて解説する.
Theme Dialysis in Diabetic Patients
Title LDL apheresis applied to ASO patients with diabetic gangrene
Author Kazushige Hanaoka Division of Internal Medicine, Kanagawa Prefectural Hospital Affiliated with Nurses Training School
Author Yoshindo Kawaguchi Division of Internal Medicine, Kanagawa Prefectural Hospital Affiliated with Nurses Training School / Jikei University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Diabetes mellitus is the most significant risk factor for developing arteriosclerotic obliterans (ASO). It is very difficult to treat once diabetic patients with chronic renal failure develop infectious gangrenes. Recently, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) apheresis has been used for severe ASO patients with diabetic gangrene. More than half of the cases treated with LDL apheresis showed improvements in clinical symptoms. Possible mechanisms to explain why LDL apheresis successfully improves impaired peripheral circulation and cures cutaneous ulcers could be that it not only reduces serum LDL levels but also suppresses chronic inflammation in small vessels.
Here in we briefly review the indications for and practical guide lines for LDL apheresis for ASO patients with diabetic gangrene according to our clinical experience with reduction of serum high-sensitive C reactive proteins, as well as serum LDL levels upto 50 % of original level.