臨牀透析 Vol.21 No.1(1)

特集名 糖尿病と透析療法
題名 わが国の糖尿病性腎症の透析患者の現況 -- 日本透析医学会統計調査から
発刊年月 2005年 01月
著者 中井 滋 日本透析医学会統計調査委員会/名古屋大字医学部附属病院在宅管理医療部
【 要旨 】 糖尿病性腎症を原疾患として透析療法に導入される患者は増加し続けており,2003年1年間に導入された患者の41.0%が糖尿病性腎症を原疾患としていた.2003年に糖尿病性腎症を原疾患として導入された患者の平均年齢は64.5歳である.透析患者の就労率は一般健常者に比べて低いが,糖尿病透析患者の就労率は非糖尿病透析患者の就労率よりもさらに低い.また,糖尿病透析患者には身体活動度の低い患者が多い.糖尿病透析患者の生命予後は,糸球体腎炎を原疾患とする患者の生命予後に比べて不良であるが,年々改善している.
Theme Dialysis in Diabetic Patients
Title Present conditions of dialysis patients with diabetic nephropathy in Japan -- based on Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy statistics
Author Shigeru Nakai Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy / Department of In-home Medicine, Nagoya University Hospital
[ Summary ] The number of patients starting dialysis having diabetic nephropathy as their primary disease continues to increase. Forty-one percent of patients beginning dialysis in the year 2003 had diabetic nephropathy as their primary disease ; and their average age was 64.5 years. The employment rate for dialysis patients is lower than that of the general population. However, it is even lower for diabetic dialysis patients than for non-diabetic dialysis patients. Moreover, many diabetic dialysis patients engage in little physical activity. The prognosis for diabetic dialysis patients is worse than for patients whose primary disease is glomerular nephropathy, but the prognosis for these patinets becoming more favorable with each passing year.