臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.9(9)

特集名 透析療法における微量元素の再認識
題名 銅 (Cu) と貧血
発刊年月 2004年 08月
著者 宮嶋 裕明 浜松医科大学第一内科
【 要旨 】 銅 (Cu) 欠乏症はまれな病態であるが,銅が十分含まれていない高カロリー輸液を持続した場合などに起こりうる.小腸切除後,長期にわたり高カロリー輸液を行った44歳女性で,貧血と好中球減少を認めた.骨髄の顆粒球系は成熟障害が著明で,赤芽球系とともに幼若球の細胞質に空胞のある細胞が認められた.また血清銅,セルロプラスミンが著減していた.銅の補充により2週間で血液の異常は改善した.銅欠乏にぶる貧血と好中球減少の発症機序の詳細は不明だが,セルロプラスミン減少による鉄の利用障害,シトクロームcオキシダーゼ,スーパーオキシドジスムターゼなどの銅酵素の機能障害による骨髄での顆粒球系,赤芽球系の成熟障害,寿命短縮が原因と考えられる.
Theme Trace Elements in Dialysis Treatment
Title Anemia caused by copper deficiencies
Author Hiroaki Miyajima First Department of Medicine, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Copper (Cu) deficiency is a rare condition, but with unusual types of nutrition, such as total parenteral nutrition (TPN), anemia and neutropenia due to copper deficiency may occur. A forty-four-year-old woman who had previously undergone intestinal resection and received TPN over a long period developed anemia and neutropenia. Vacuoles were observed in some erythroblasts and immature myeloid cells, and mature granulocytes levels were reduced in the bone marrow. Both serum copper and ceruloplasmin were very low. Intravenous administration of copper sulfate resulted in improvement in anemia and neutropenia within two weeks. The exact cause of the anemia and neutropenia with copper deficiency is unclear, but it is suggested that the decreased activity of enzymes containing copper (ceruloplasmin, cytochrome c oxidase, and superoxide dismutase) may be related to a disturbance in iron metabolism, a decrease in the rate of cellular maturation in the bone marrow, and the shorted life span of erythrocytes and granulocytes.