特集名 | 透析療法における微量元素の再認識 | |
題名 | 亜鉛 (Zn) と副甲状腺機能,骨病変 | |
発刊年月 | 2004年 08月 | |
著者 | 柴田 昌典 | 泰玄会病院血液浄化センター・臨床工学技士 |
著者 | 山鹿 悦子 | 泰玄会病院血液浄化センター・臨床工学技士 |
著者 | 長井 幸二郎 | 京都大学医学部付属病院腎臓内科 |
著者 | 谷口 信吉 | 秦玄会病院内科 |
著者 | 宇佐美 一政 | 秦玄会病院内科 |
著者 | 川島 司郎 | 東濃厚生病院 |
【 要旨 】 | 亜鉛 (Zn) には骨形成促進,骨吸収抑制作用があるが,腎性骨異栄養症の進展と食餌性亜鉛摂取量との間にも明らかな相関がみられる.亜鉛の摂取は骨異栄養症の悪化に対し防御的に働くし,また亜鉛の投与には血清PTH値を低下させる作用がある.これらの知見から,維持透析患者を長期的に管理するうえで,亜鉛の投与を含めて適切な摂取に留意すべきである. |
Theme | Trace Elements in Dialysis Treatment | |
Title | Protective effects of zinc on development of bone disease in patients with chronic renal failure | |
Author | Masanori Shibata | Department of Clinical Engineering, Taigenkai Hospital |
Author | Etsuko Yamaga | Department of Clinical Engineering, Taigenkai Hospital |
Author | Kojiro Nagai | Department of Nephrology, Kyoto University |
Author | Shinkichi Taniguchi | Department of Internal Medicine, Taigenkai Hospital |
Author | Kazumasa Usami | Department of Internal Medicine, Taigenkai Hospital |
Author | Shiro Kawashima | Tonokosei Hospital |
[ Summary ] | An adequate intake of zinc has a protective effect on the development of renal osteodystrophy and/or secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with chronic renal failure, treated with maintenance hemodialysis according to detailed dietary analysis. Serum levels of parathyroid hormone were significantly lowered by oral administration of polaprezinc, a zinc-containing compound to treat peptic ulcers, in patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism. The roles of zinc in bone metabolism in patients with chronic renal failure, and the possible therapeutic effects of this metal in the treatment of such complications were also discussed, including special reference to recently clarified evience about the functions of zinc. |