臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.9(4)

特集名 透析療法における微量元素の再認識
題名 アルミニウム (Al) とアルツハイマー病
発刊年月 2004年 08月
著者 川原 正博 九州保健福祉大学薬学部
著者 黒田 洋一郎 東京都神経科学総合研究所 / CREST,JST (戦略的創造研究事業,科学技術振興機構)
【 要旨 】 アルミニウム (Al) は環境中に豊富に存在しているが,必須元素ではなく,神経毒性をもつことが知られている.とくに,アルツハイマー病や筋萎縮性側索硬化症などの神経疾患との関連は数十年間にわたって議論が続いているが未だに結論は出ていない.ここでは,Alとアルツハイマー病との関連について,疫学報告や動物実験の結果など最新の情報をもとにまとめるとともに,Alの神経系での作用や体内動態について概説した.とくに,高カロリー輸液 (TPN製剤) 中などに混入する医原性のAlは,体内吸収率が高く,脳神経系にとって有害であると考えられる.
Theme Trace Elements in Dialysis Treatment
Title Aluminum and Alzheimer's disease
Author Masahiro Kawahara Department of Analytical Chemistry, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University of Health and Welfare
Author Yoichiro Kuroda Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience / CREST (Core Research for Evolution Science and Technology), Japan Science and Technology Agency
[ Summary ] Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the earth. However, it is nonessential and a widely known neurotoxin. Although the implication of aluminum in the pathogenesis of neurological disorders including Alzheimer's disease has been discussed for decades, it is still controversial. In this article, we reviewed the relationship between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease based on numerous recent studies. Aluminum inhibits more than 100 enzymatic functions and causes various toxic effects in the central nervous system, such as the accumulation of Beta-amyloid protein. Although aluminum in foods is slightly absorbed in the gastrointestinal pathway, it is retained and accumulates in the brain permanently. In particular, the contamination of aluminum from iatrogenic sources such as TPN solutions is significant due to its high absorption rates. We conclude that an unnecessary intake of aluminum is harmful to human health.