臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.9(2)

特集名 透析療法における微量元素の再認識
題名 透析液と微量元素
発刊年月 2004年 08月
著者 大塚 正一 下落合クリニック
著者 篠田 俊雄 社会保険中央総合病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 腎不全患者では血液透析施行中に微量元素が透析液から患者血液に取り込まれ,また逆に血液から透析液へ排泄されることにより,微量元素過剰や欠乏の病態が増悪しうる.微量元素は透析液・血液間を透析膜を通して拡散の原理により移動する.透析では健常人の平均的な水分摂取量に比較して大量の透析液が透析膜を隔てて血液と接することから,わずかな拡散現象でも総合的に相当量の微量元素が移動することになる.このため透析用水には飲用水である水道水より厳しい水質管理が要求される.透析用水の微量元素濃度基準としては米国AAMI作成のものが参考となるが,多種ある微量元素についてその異常が透析患者に及ぼす臨床的意義には究明されていない部分が多く,今後の検討が待たれる.
Theme Trace Elements in Dialysis Treatment
Title Trace elements in dialysates
Author Masakazu Otsuka Shimo-Ochiai Clinic
Author Toshio Shinoda Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Social Insurance Chuo General Hospital
[ Summary ] Trace elements can pass through a dialysis membrane bidirectionally during hemodialysis treatment by diffusion in relation to the concentration gradient between the dialysate and the blood. They enter the blood when their concentration in the dialysate is higher than that which is free form in the blood. In such situations, the intake becomes huge, because the blood is exposed to over 360 liters of dialysate per week, and acute or subacute intoxication from trace elements may develop in hemodialysis patients. Accordingly, it is of clinical importance to note that the levels of trace elements in dialysis water should be reduced to less than those set by safety standards considered adequate for water treatment. Because there are no standards for trace elements in dialysis water in Japan, we should use the AAMI (The Association for the Advancement of Medial Instrumentation) standards. In the case of trace elements not included in AAMI standards, we should produce tentative standards related to the tap water standards set by the Japanese Ministry of Welfare and Labor. On the other hand, some trace elements in the blood might be deficient in hemodialysis patients because of the removal through hemodialysis. Supplementation of deficient trace elements has been controversial.