臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.8(2-5)

特集名 透析室の環境整備 -- 院内感染を含めて
題名 [各論]具備すべき緊急時用医療器具・薬品
発刊年月 2004年 07月
著者 篠田 俊雄 社会保険中央総合病院内科
【 要旨 】 ・透析室では体外循環治療,基礎疾患に伴う治療中の緊急症発症の危険がある.
・救急医療の3大処置 (気道確保,呼吸管理,循環管理) のほか,糖尿病および中枢神経合併症への対処を要する.
Theme Environmental Arrangements of Hemodialysis Room -- including In-hospital Infection
Title Necessary medical equipment and drugs for emergencies in hemodialysis wards
Author Toshio Shinoda Department of Internal Medicine, Social Insurance Chuo General Hospital
[ Summary ] There is a possible danger of hemodialysis patients developing emergency conditions in hemodialysis wards due to the presence of extracorporeal blood circulation and their basal diseases. Medical equipment and drugs are accordingly needed in hemodialysis wards for the treatment of diabetic and/or central nerve complications, in addition to the principal management of air ways, breathing, and circulation. It is convenient that they are placed in an emergency cart equipped with power sources for emergency medical instruments such as electrocardiographs, heart monitors, or fluid infusion pumps. There is also a need for examination instruments, such as glucose analyzers and electrolytes analyzers. Emergency kits should be placed at the bed side for patients to break away from their extracorporeal blood circuit by themselves in cases of severe earthquakes or large fires.