臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.8(1-1)

特集名 透析室の環境整備 -- 院内感染を含めて
題名 [総論]「癒しの場」としての病院環境
発刊年月 2004年 07月
著者 星 和夫 青梅市立総合病院
【 要旨 】 病院の癒しの環境とは,患者さんの五感に心地よい安全な療養環境をつくることだと考えている.
1. 美しい環境:建物の新旧とは関係ない.まずは廊下に物を置かない,張り紙をしない.
2. 静かな療養環境:「病室で寝ている患者に,廊下を歩く職員の足音が聞こえないように」
3. 子供が喜ぶ環境:少なくとも子供に恐怖を与えない室内装飾.
4. いやな臭いのない環境:病院特有な臭い.
5. 安全な環境:院内交通事故の防止.
6. 家族の癒し:重症患者家族の仮眠場所.手術室の待合室など.
7. 透析室の癒し
Theme Environmental Arrangements of Hemodialysis Room -- including In-hospital Infection
Title Hospital environment as "Healing Place"
Author Kazuo Hoshi Ohme Municipal General Hospital
[ Summary ] The hospital environment must be a place which provides a comfortable atmosphere for patients in the following way:
1. provide a beautiful, clean environment: Beauty and cleanliness have no relationship to age of the building. We must try to keep hallways clear, including no papers attached to the walls.
2. silent environment in the hospital: We must try to maintain silence proventing patients from hearing the sounds of footsteps in the corridors of the wards.
3. pleasant environment for pediatric patients: Interior designs to calm children who are patients.
4. environment without offensive odors: We must eliminate characteristic offensive odors in the hospital.
5. safe environment in the hospital: Collisions in the hospital should be prevented.
6. provide a healing environment for families of patients also.
7. provide a healing environment in the blood purification department.