臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.3(1-4)

特集名 透析看護の伝承 -- ベテランから新人へ,新人からベテランへ
題名 ベテランから新人へ (4) 自主性をもった研究への取り組み
発刊年月 2004年 03月
著者 林 郁江 並木クリニック・看護師
【 要旨 】 研究は強制されて行うべきものではなく,自分白身が興味をもったこと,あるいは疑問をもったことのなかから新規性のあるものをテーマに,自主的に行うべきものである.その際,ベッドサイドは研究テーマの宝庫であることを,忘れてはならない.
論文作成にあたっては,(1) 研究の内容を簡潔に示す表題を掲げ,(2) その研究が明らかにしようとしている問題を示し,(3) その問題を明らかにするために用いた手段を詳述し,(4) その手段により得られた結果を記載し,(5) その結果が意味することを論ずる.論文を作成する際の文献検索には,書籍や既存論文の利用,図書館の利用,インターネット上のサイトを利用するのが便利である.
Theme A Heritage in the Management of Renal Patients -- From Expert Nurses to Rookies
Title Voluntary research
Author Fumie Hayashi Department of Nursing, Namiki Hemodialysis Clinic
[ Summary ] Research should be done on a voluntary basis on what one is interested in or wonders. Moreover, such research should be on a subject yet to be clarified. It should be noted that research themes are often encountered at patients' bedsides.
There are two methods of research; the deductive method and the inductive method. In order to clarify certain cause and effect relationships, research must be performed using these two methods, compensating for the limitations of one method with the strengths of its counterpart. Nevertheless, in practice, a researcher tends to employ either the deductive method or the inductive method, which one is ever accustomed to.
When writing papers we must consider the following: (1) the subject must be condensed in the title, (2) the problems that the author(s) attempts to solve must be indicated clearly in the "introduction section", (3) the procedures employed to solve ploblems must be shown precisely in the "method section", (4) the outcomes of the procedures must be described in a concise way in the "result section", and (5) what the results suggest must be discussed in the "discussion section".
Finally, it is useful to refer to publications including other authors' papers and internet sites when preparing a paper. It is also recommended to use the lending servise of a library.