臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.2(4)

特集名 透析アミロイド症 -- 今日の考え方
題名 透析アミロイド症の診断に役立つ画像診断
発刊年月 2004年 02月
著者 栗原 怜 春日部内科クリニック
【 要旨 】 透析アミロイド骨・関節症は,関節滑膜へのアミロイド沈着が原因で発症し,手根管症候群 (CTS),破壊性脊椎関節症 (DSA),骨嚢胞性病変,軟部組織腫瘤形成などによるさまざまな臨床症状を呈する.
確定診断には組織学的なアミロイド沈着の証明が必要であるが,一般臨床現場においては画像診断がきわめて重要となる.定期的に行われる全身骨単純X線撮影は,一般透析施設でも容易に行える有用なスクリーニング検査法といえる.さらに詳細な情報を得るためにはコンピュータ断層撮影 (CT),核磁気共鳴断層撮影 (MRI) なども必要となる.本稿では各病態における画像診断の特徴的な所見について述べてみたい.
Theme Dialysis Amyloidosis -- Present State of the Art
Title Radiographic evaluation of amyloid-related osteoarthropathy
Author Satoshi Kurihara Kasukabe Naika Clinic
[ Summary ] Dialysis-related amyloidosis leads to carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), destructive spondyloarthropathy (DSA), bone cysts and osteoarthropathy in the synovial joints. Definitive diagnosis has been confirmed by histological evaluations of involved tissue. CTS is usually diagnosed through observance of typical clinical symptoms and evaluation of central nerve conductive velocity (NCV). Patients with CTS frequently display small multiple bone cysts on carpal bone tissue, as seen with conventional radiography. Characteristic radiographic findings for DSA are a narrowing of disk space with endplate sclerosis and cystic changes of the vertebra. MRIs are advisable for the detection of detailed information on DSA lesions. Large bone cysts are frequently seen at the femoral joints, pelvic bone, knee joints and shoulders joints with routine bone surveys. CT and/or MRI examinations provide additional information about the extent and location of the lesions. Ultrasonography of shoulder and hip joints is a useful and noninvasive tool for evaluating dialysis-related amyloid arthropathy. Here in we describe the diagnostic usefulness of radiographic and ultrasonographic methods for the diagnosis of dialysis-related osteoarthropathy.