臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.2(3)

特集名 透析アミロイド症 -- 今日の考え方
題名 透析アミロイド症の臨床診断
発刊年月 2004年 02月
著者 水口 潤 川島病院
【 要旨 】 透析アミロイド症は,維持透析患者の長期合併症としてもっとも重要なものの一つである.その沈着は骨,腱鞘,関節包,靭帯に強く,その他の臓器ではそれに比べ軽度である.したがって,その臨床症状も多発性関節症状,病的骨折,手根管症候群 (CTS),バネ指,破壊性脊椎関節症など骨関節症状が主体となり,アミロイド骨関節症と呼ばれる.特異的な血液生化学検査は存在しないが,アミロイド線維形成には修飾を受けたbeta2-microglobulin (beta2-m) の存在が重要であると考えられ,acidic beta2-m,lysine-specific cleavaged truncated beta2-m,AGEs (advanced glycation end products)-beta2-mなどが報告されている.またヒアルロン酸やユビキチンは透析患者では高値を示し,手根管症候群や肩関節痛の存在と相関を示すことが報告されている.
Theme Dialysis Amyloidosis -- Present State of the Art
Title Clinical diagnosis of dialysis-related amyloidosis
Author Jun Minakuchi Kawashima Hospital
[ Summary ] Dialysis-related amyloidosis is one important complication encounterd in patients receiving long term maintenance hemodialysis. Deposition is strongest in bone tissue, the peritendineum, arthroses and ligaments, but slight in other organs. Therefore, the clinical symptoms are mainly bone arthrosis symptoms caused by pathologic fractures, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, or destructive spondyloarthropathy, all related to amyloid osteoarthropathy. There is no specific blood based biochemical test. However, the existence of modified beta2-microglobulin (beta2-m) is important in amyloid deposition, and acidic beta2-m, lysine-specific cleavaged truncated beta2-m, and AGEs (advanced glycation end products)-beta2-m are reported. In addition, serum hyaluronic acid and ubiquitin levels are high in dialysis patients. These levels are correlated with carpal tunnel syndrome and shoulder arthralgia has also been reported.