臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.2(2-3)

特集名 透析アミロイド症 -- 今日の考え方
題名 透析アミロイド症の発症メカニズム (3) amyloidogenesisとamyloid transformationにおけるマクロファージの浸潤/AGEs修飾の関与
発刊年月 2004年 02月
著者 小野木 博 東海大学総合医学研究所
著者 宮田 敏男 東海大学総合医学研究所
著者 黒川 清 東海大学総合医学研究所
【 要旨 】 透析アミロイド症診断のgold standardは病理学的診断である.しかし,現実的には臨床症状や放射線学的検査に基づいて診断されてきた.近年の一連の病理的解析により,透析アミロイド症の存在がこれまで報告されていたよりもはるかに多いことが明らかになった.このように透析アミロイド症の病理学的診断と現実的な臨床上の診断による発症率の乖離がクローズアップされるにつれ,透析アミロイド症の病態を考えるうえでも大きな進展がみられた.
透析患者剖検例 (胸鎖関節) でのアミロイド沈着の過程とマクロファージ浸潤やAGEs (advanced glycation end products)/ALEs (advanced lipoxidation end products) 修飾との関連を検討した結果,いくつかの興味ある事実が得られた.アミロイド沈着の初期にはAGEs/ALEs修飾もマクロファージの浸潤も認められないことよりアミロイド形成機構 (amyloidogenesis) にはマクロファージやAGEs/ALEs修飾の関与が必要でないこと,単球/マクロファージの浸潤が認められた後期のアミロイドでは滑膜に沈着したbeta2-microglobulin (beta2-m) アミロイドは高度にAGEs/ALEs修飾されていることである.沈着アミロイドの骨・関節破壊への進展機構 (amyloid transformation) には,単球/マクロファージの浸潤とAGEs/ALEs修飾の関連が強く示唆されるが,それらの因果関係は十分に解明されていない.
Theme Dialysis Amyloidosis -- Present State of the Art
Title Involvement of AGEs/ALEs modifications and macrophage infiltration in the pathogenesis of dialysis-related amyloidosis
Author Hiroshi Onogi Institute of Medical Sciences and Department of Medicine, Tokai University School of Medicine
Author Toshio Miyata Institute of Medical Sciences and Department of Medicine, Tokai University School of Medicine
Author Kiyoshi Kurokawa Institute of Medical Sciences and Department of Medicine, Tokai University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The molecular mechanisms of dialysis-related amyloidosis remain a topic of active research. The demonstration that amyloid deposits contain beta2-microglobulin (beta2-m) as a major constituent, was follow by several investigations incriminating various factors in the genesis, e.g., macrophage infiltration and advanced glycation/lipoxidation of beta2-m. Most of these studies were performed on late, tumor-like amyloid deposits. Whether their results can be related to early deposits remains an open question. In a study of sternoclavicular joins obtained at autopsy, beta2-m amyloid deposits are present first in the cartilage (stage 1) and subsequently extend to the capsules and the synovium (stage 2). Macrophages are absent in these 2 asymptomatic stages but appear subsequently in late symptomatic capsular and synovial deposits (stage 3). It was thus clear that early beta2-m amyloid deposition does not require the presence of macrophages whose late appearance coincides with the onset of clinical symptoms. Recently, we demonstrated that, in cartilage and capsule beta2-m amyloid deposits, AGEs/ALEs are consistently absent through stage 1 and stage 2 suggesting that initial amyloid deposits are not AGE/ALE modified. AGEs/ALEs are present only in stage 3 synovial amyloid deposits. Thus, neither macrophage infiltration nor detectable AGE/ALE modifications are required for the development of beta2-m amyloidogenesis. Of interest is the finding that macrophages and AGEs/ALEs appear concomitantly in advanced amyloid deposits, ofen associated with bone and joint destruction.