臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.13(5-2)

特集名 透析医療費における包括化の功罪
題名 医療費の包括化は血液浄化をどう変えたか (2) 外来
発刊年月 2004年 12月
著者 吉田 豊彦 みはま病院
【 要旨 】 透析医療費の包括化は,慢性維持透析患者外来医学管理料と外来透析の部分包括化とがおもなものである.包括化に至る背景には,検査の極端な地域格差や,透析液の水増し請求問題と低分子へパリン大量使用による透析医療費の高騰問題などがあったのであるが,それぞれの包括化に至った経緯と包括方法およびその功罪について述べてみた.
Theme Pros and Cons of DRG/PPS in Dialysis Therapy
Title How did comprehensive medical care changes blood purification on hemodialysis in outpatients
Author Toyohiko Yoshida Mihama Hospital
[ Summary ] Dialysis medical treatment expenses mainly consist of outpatient management fees for chronic dialysis patients. There were wide differences in dialysis care from region to region. The differences consisted of problems with water used sudden increases in price of treatment (caused by the use of low molecular weight heparin) etc. Therefore, we described the positive and negative points which were considered concerning this treatment.