臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.13(1)

特集名 透析医療費における包括化の功罪
題名 わが国の透析医療は,世界の模範となりうるのか -- 透析医療費の仕組みと医療内容の関連
発刊年月 2004年 12月
著者 秋葉 隆 東京女子医科大学腎臓病総合医療センター
【 要旨 】 わが国の透析医療が世界の模範となりうる面と,透析医療費を含む医療制度の支持によりその質を担保されていた面の,二面性について解説を試みる.Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Pattern Study (DOPPS) は慢性血液透析患者の診療内容とその治療結果に関する国際的観察研究で,日本の血液透析患者の診療内容を,他の6カ国と比較すると,わが国が「透析医療すべての面にわたって最高」とは言い難く,さらに透析医療の内容を改善できる可能性が示された.また,2002年,透析医療費の時間枠が撤廃された.1992年の慢性維持透析医学管理料の新設,1994年の外来透析の一部包括化に始まる透析医療費支払いの包括化の一環である.また2003年,特定機能病院で入院医療費包括支払制度 (DPC) が導入された.これらの支払制度の変更は透析医療内容にどのような変化をもたらしたのだろうか.外来・入院透析に課せられた今回の大波はどのように乗り越えていけるか,誰にも推測できない真っ向から立ち向かうべき大事態である.
Theme Pros and Cons of DRG/PPS in Dialysis Therapy
Title Can Japanese dialysis treatment become world model ? -- reimbursement system and dialysis outcome
Author Takashi Akiba Department of Blood Purification, Kidney Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] This review attempted to describe the superiority of dialysis therapy in Japan as compared to the rest of the world and the quality assurance provided by the medical reimbursement system for dialysis therapy. The Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Pattern Study (DOPPS) is an international observational study on hemodialysis practices for end-stage renal disease patients. This research indicated that dialysis practices in Japan, compared with other 6 other nations, could not be termed "the best over all, concerning dialysis treatment", and indicated some possibilities for improving our practices through the lessons learned from other countries. The time-frame for dialysis health expenditures was abolished in 2002. This was a part of the comprehensive payment system for dialysis health fees, i. e., the establishment of chronic maintenance dialysis medicine management fees established in 1992, including the (partial) comprehensive payment system for the outpatient hemodialysis established in 1994. In contrast, the Diagnostic Procedure Combination (DPC), a Japanese DRG / PPS system, was introduced in university hospitals in 2003. We are facing huge, previously unexperienced waves of patients, which we might not be able to cope with. Dealing with this issue may help us cope with the waves of expected patients who will need ESRD care.