臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.12(5)

特集名 透析患者の栄養評価における新理論と新技術
題名 Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) による透析患者の栄養評価
発刊年月 2004年 11月
著者 中尾 俊之 東京医科大学腎臓科
著者 金澤 良枝 東京医科大学腎臓科/東京家政学院短期大学
著者 権藤 麻子 東京医科大学腎臓科
【 要旨 】 Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) は,身体に微弱な交流を通電してその抵抗であるインピーダンスを測定し,まず体水分量を算出して,さらにこれに基づき体組成を算出する.BIAによる栄養アセスメントは,この原理から算出した体蛋白量や体脂肪量により行う.本法による体組成分析は電気理論的背景から体水分を測定し,それをもとにさらに理論的回帰式より各身体組成を算出するため,測定時の条件を厳密に適正な状況とすることが重要である.
筆者らは,多周波BIAによる測定値に基づいて,whole bodyとしての体蛋白量を評価する指標としてbody protein index (BPI) を考案し,透析患者の栄養状態を評価した.その結果では,維持血液透析患者のうち24.6%が中-高度の栄養障害と判定された.
Theme New Trends in Nutritional Assessment of Dialysis Patients
Title Nutritional assessment by bioelectrical impedance analysis in dialysis patients
Author Toshiyuki Nakao Department of Nephrology, Tokyo Medical University
Author Yoshie Kanazawa Department of Nephrology, Tokyo Medical University / Tokyo Kasei-Gakuin Junior College
Author Asako Gondou Department of Nephrology, Tokyo Medical University
[ Summary ] Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is now widely used for the evaluation of body composition in various fields, since it is easy to use and can be readily repeated. As the human body can be modeled as a cylindrical conductor with its length proportional to the subject's height, BIA measures the impedance by conducting a low alternating current through the body. Based on the impedance measured, the volume of body water, fat and protein mass are all calculated using formulas. A stable state of tissue hydration is crucial for reliable BIA measurement, clothing, skin temperature, meal time and weight of food in the intestines affect the accuracy of measurements.
To assess static protein reserves of the whole body and evaluate nutritional status in dialysis patients, we recently designed the body protein index (BPI) which is calculated using body protein mass (BPM) measured by BIA and expressed as BPM (kg) / height (m)2. As a result, 24.6% of maintenance hemodialysis patients were considered to be moderately or severely malnourished.