臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.11(5-2)

特集名 CAPD療法の新たな展開
題名 被嚢性腹膜硬化症 (EPS) の予防対策と治療 (2) 外科的治療
発刊年月 2004年 10月
著者 川西 秀樹 あかね会土谷総合病院
【 要旨 】 被嚢性腹膜硬化症 (EPS) 予防のためには,日頃より腹膜透析 (PD) 患者を十分に診察し,最適なPD液処方と腹膜炎防止により腹膜劣化を防ぐことが重要である.もし発症した場合には,病態を把握し病期に応じた治療方法が選択されなければならない.的確な時期のステロイド投与は有効であるが,確立したEPSの根本的治療は開腹癒着剥離術しかなく,躊躇なく外科的治療を行うべきである.これまで52症例に外科的治療を行い,2例の術後死亡例を除きすべての症例で改善を得ることができた.そのうち8例に再発・再手術が必要となり,この術後再発がもっとも問題となるが,これに対しても繰り返しの手術で対応可能である.現時点では,少なくともEPSは不治の病ではないと断言できる.しかし発症と再発防止のために,さらなるEPS病態の解明が求められる.
Theme New Development in CAPD Therapy
Title Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis : surgical management
Author Hideki Kawanishi Akane Foundation Tsuchiya General Hospital
[ Summary ] Appropriate treatment according to disease stage is very important in encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) treatment. Therefore, when examining a peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients complaining of gastrointestinal symptoms, the possibility of EPS must be kept in mind. Basic therapeutic tactics for EPS include the appropriate use of corticosteroids. If a state of bowel obstruction persists, laparotomy and enterolysis should be performed to obtain a complete cure. In our hospital, 52 EPS patients were treated surgically, and the state of bowel obstruction was successfully improved in all these patients, except 2 patients who died of bowel perforations. At present, post-operative recurrence of EPS is the major problem, and was experienced in 8 cases in our series. In all recurrent cases it was possible to achieve full recovery with repeated surgery. It is currently recognized that EPS is not a fatal complication associated with PD. Further pathophysiological investigation is required to solve problems associated with EPS.