臨牀透析 Vol.20 No.11(2)

特集名 CAPD療法の新たな展開
題名 腹膜病理の問題点と標準化
発刊年月 2004年 10月
著者 本田 一穂 東京女子医科大学第二病理
著者 小田 秀明 東京女子医科大学第二病理
【 要旨 】 腹膜生検診断には,(1) 腹膜硬化症の評価,(2) 被嚢性腹膜硬化症 (EPS) の診断・予測が重要である.標準化に当たっては,(1) 腹膜採取法・検体処理法の標準化,(2) 評価項目とそのgradingの標準化,(3) 診断カテゴリーの標準化が重要である.腹膜生検は,腹腔鏡時やカテーテル留置術 (入れ替え術も含む) の際に,腹腔鏡やカテーテルを刺入するために切開した腹膜から生検する方法を標準とする.評価項目は,間質の線維化,血管病変,炎症状態の三つが重要で,それぞれを半定量的にgradingする. 診断カテゴリーは,間質の線維化の程度を最重要視し,正常腹膜 (normal peritoneum),単純線維化 (simple fibrosis),腹膜硬化症1期 (初期) (peritoneal sclerosis,grade 1),腹膜硬化症2期 (中期) (peritoneal sclerosis,grade 2),腹膜硬化症3期 (後期) (peritoneal sclerosis,grade 3) に分類する.
Theme New Development in CAPD Therapy
Title Standardization of peritoneal biopsies for CAPD patients
Author Kazuho Honda Department of Pathology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Author Hideaki Oda Department of Pathology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] The main purposes of peritoneal biopsies for CAPD patients are (1) evaluation of peritoneal sclerosis and (2) diagnosis and predictions of EPS. The following aspects should be considered to standardize peritoneal biopsies ; (1) sampling and processing methods for peritoneal tissue specimens, (2) the histological items that should be evaluated and their grading criteria, and (3) the common diagnostic categories for the peritoneal sclerosis. Peritoneal biopsies should be routinely performed during laparoscopy and catheter insertion. The main items for histological evaluation are interstitial fibrosis, vasculopathy and inflammatory states, all of which may be semi-quantitatively graded. The diagnostic categories are determined according to the extent of peritoneal fibrosis. They consist of a normal peritoneum, simple fibrosis, peritoneal sclerosis in the early stage (grade 1), peritoneal sclerosis in the middle stage (grade 2) and peritoneal sclerosis in the advanced stage (grade 3).